It’s been a while…

A really long while. I have had so many thoughts that made my mind spin. I don’t expect much from those around me but I have learnt to detach. From unnecessary people. From emotions that bring me no joy. From encounters that serve me no purpose. I find myself free, liberated but most of all,…Read more »

The Soul Remembers

I am different shades of grey. Some parts are highlighted, some are richer in colour and others brighter in shade. Some parts are hidden from plain sight, but it’s in that, that we are delve the most deeply. So I delve. Into lifetimes long forgotten, I saw myself as an elderly medicine woman with a…Read more »


I never question where my path leads anymore, what I do know is this, I will be exactly where I need to be. It’s been an exceptionally challenging year, but a good one nonetheless. With every difficult ending, it sets the path for a beautiful beginning. The last few months have been a seesaw of…Read more »


It’s all about the heart. Everything. The heart is not just a physical organ that pumps blood and oxygen to give our bodies life. Our heart determines our life, our love, our emotions and our karma. I’ve always been very protective of my heart. Careful about who I opened it up to, who I felt…Read more »

The Body

I am not my body. I am not my thoughts. I am not my emotions. I am. In this journey, I do need my body though and it needs me. I nourish it in ways that I believe I should. However, it tells me when it’s not happy. My relationship with food has always been…Read more »


I have lived a life where I never really needed much to be happy. Material things never truly impressed me, someway and somehow, I always got what I wanted. The latest handbag didn’t appeal to me, didn’t need to stay trendy to feel beautiful and the practical person in me always chose quality because quantity…Read more »


As I delve into my spiritual journey, my life has been shedding. It has been shedding all the things that no longer served a purpose for my soul. My body didn’t know that, neither did my thoughts, nor my emotions, but the universe did and so did my higher self. The little bits and pieces…Read more »

I am Love

It took me a long time to understand the “I Am” affirmation. It took me a long time to understand and realize that beyond the body, the thoughts and the emotions, there is more to me. It has taken me longer to realize that apart from the fact that even though I am the soul,…Read more »


I am embracing everything that life is giving to me. As the days trickle by, we often lose track of who we are and how far we have come to get to where we are. This journey has been eye-opening, mind-blowing and heart-wrenching. I also know that I am where I need to be. As…Read more »

And The Journey Begins

This journey started unexpectedly a little over a year ago.  When the universe thinks that you are ready, it will open up roads that you never thought you would travel and encounter people that you would never have thought about meeting. We all have our own paths, often we do not get what we want…Read more »